Saturday, June 21, 2014

Keratosis pilaris

What is Keratosis Pilaris? Its a small tiny spot which looks like goosebumps or usually it's call chicken skin. I had mine on both arms for 11 years when I was 7 months pregnant with my son.
Over the years, I have tried all sorts of cream but it doesn't seems to help. Until one day I googled and found out there are far more worst which some others had on their arms, back, buttock, than compared to mine. I did my research and found that virgin coconut oil has helped many people who tried many years to get rid of this and finally did it with the simple oil. 
It's my 4th day and it seems slightly smoother and not so pricky. 

Setting up my Salon

The whole process of taking up the course, renovating my salon, applying for a proper license from the Ministry of Health to operate the sal...