Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Updating the month of July

Today I decided to make my blog private and it will only be open to invited users and at the moment this invitation has been send out to; my sister in law and parents both in Singapore and in Sweden. I am sure my both parents from Singapore and Sweden would not know how to do use it at the beginning and I hope Mumtaz and also Katarina,(both my sister in law) if you read this, please assist them. Thank you.

Well, you may be wondering why I decided to make my blog private? Probably many reasons; BUT as for now I will just let it be as it is now with no explanation,"Just Private"

This blog are mainly dedicated to my children's future with beautiful memories of their growing stages and also for my family who are living far apart in Singapore and Sweden to follow and update their children and their grandchildren.

First of all July seems like a rough tough time. Once Friday comes, 1st August where the esclipes will happens, I hope everything will change for the better, I know it will.

Elrener was not accepted in GUC(German University Cairo) yesterday as the admission lady just told her that she have to have 3 years of American school systems before she can be accepted. Just very strange that they dont accept foreigners as the admission lady claims. She cried of course as she love to study. She have very high GPA points and also enough scores in her SAT exam to be accepted in any University but just because they change the rules and claim that she have not been to the American school systems for the past 3 years which they cannot accept her in. Anyway we will clear that matter to the higher authority in the board member of the school somehow. She will be accepted there somehow. Since it is a holiday seasons and to get hold of the right person is not easy as most of them are on holiday.


Morning, Peter decided that we take Gabriel for a round of golf in JW Marriott. I think it was a good idea to be out and clear the mind with some healthy sport in the open greenery field.

Gabriel tried driving the buggy and he hit his dad once, that happened so quickly and unexpectedly as he just step on to the accelerator and I have to rush and press the break.

Walking back after his first shot. It is too hot to be walking by feet when you played golf here.

We're waiting Gabriel, come on hit the ball and get back here.

Yeah here my boy.

We finished our 18 rounds and wanted to head for the wave pool but when I login to my web mail through my mobile phone, I do not have a chance to enjoy the pool. I have to rush home and settle with all my suppliers and the bloody stupid guy with the same problem with the invoice and shipping.

Peter is too tired in his head with all those problems that he went to sleep around 6 in the evening for half an hour while I stayed in the garden to play with the little Gabriel.

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