Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Few Updates of my absent.

I know I have been so lazy updating my blog lately. First of all, I have most of my friend's contact whom are already in FB and with which we normally kept our daily details updating photos and activities.

Anyway this is mom and me at Botanical Garden. We took a long walk with the kids. My mom was so tired after the long walk and hot sun. We stop by the food court and had our lunch.

Not easy to go back to Sweden again and leaving them behind especially knowing that we hardly even get the chance to meet once a year.

Well since I was in Singapore for the whole month of February, I had absolutely nothing particularly to write. Somehow one thing we knew was that we had a lot of fun.

Gabriel took a ride somewhere in the Singapore ZOO.

This is one of the many dishes that I love, Murtabak.


YES, being able to eat Singaporean food again is like heaven. I get to taste all sorts of different range of food everyday. Wouldn't wanna miss those chance.

This is dad grilling the Potato,Satay,otak otak, chicken, meat etc.

Singapore is well famous of their satay and it is something not to be miss when you come to Singapore.

Gabriel who have never been to Singapore since he was born seems to be enjoying himself every sec of his moment there. The only problem he had there is the heat rash which have been disturbing him mostly. I felt sorry looking at his skin and even after bringing him to the doctor the rashes seems to be badly effected.

Jonas came to Singapore a week after and we went to Downtown east for a weekend where we BBQ and I remember he ate so much satay too.

Gabriel loves the Roti Prata which he had for breakfast couple of times. Seeing people eating Nasi Lemak and all sorts of noodle for breakfast, Gabriel was shocked at the beggining and he kept asking me that,"It is not lunch or dinner yet now right, mom?" Well, I explain to him that his mother culture here in Singapore. He later understood and there was no further question after that. He was infact a pretty easy boy with food. He ate all sorts of different food that we gave him but only once in a while he would asked for his cheese with bread or Yogurd for breakfast. Otherwise he stick to the roti prata and now that the new version of Roti Prata with Cheese is available, he just love it. Dip dip with lots of curry.

I also got the chance to visit my late brother Nahar Azmi grave whom left us in 2002.

I hope to get to see more of my Singaporean friends the next time I am there as I did not get to see most of them this time as I am mostly with the family and companying my mom day in and day out since I have not met her for the last couple of years.
Hopefully if everything goes well, I am coming back with all my family in the summer again and stays there for the whole summer. Cross my fingers that it will happen.

This is one of Gabriel's favourite activities in Singapore. The water theme park seems to be everywhere we go.

My favourite Niece and Nephew.

Then came this month of March. It is my WEDDING ANNIVERSARY today. Sadly to say Peter is not here. He had made an earlier plan to leave for Egypt for the furniture fair the whole of this week and be back only next week.

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