Tuesday, April 28, 2015

On a sunny Tuesday afternoon in Stockholm.

I always feel so much alive when it comes to the spring and summer in Europe. The sky will be clear and blue with the sun shining throughout the day. The air is fresh and everyone just seems to be happy. The day is longer and I can just stay out the whole day.
Unlike when you live in a country who is 24 hrs warm and sometimes occasionally you get the rain to cool down, it is never the same. You don't appreciate the sun that much as we people do in Europe.
 People will be out more in the spring and summer. Obviously more people will spend more of their time outdoor much more. Outdoor restaurants will be the first to be fill up with people. Suddenly everything became much more alive.
These are the first thing which makes a lot of changes in the spring and summer. The flowers will start blooming everywhere. Unlike in the autumn and winter, all trees will be totally ripped off and there will be nothing left. So when we start to see the first small bud creeping out of the tip of the branches, we know that the spring is here.
Then this is next where you will start doing, tanning :) You will find any place to sit in a park, or benches in the estate area where you lived and start gathering friends or family. People will bbq, play games, drinks and enjoy so much of the outdoor while they still can.

This is why I really love the summer in Europe. I appreciate the sun much more than when I was living in the warm countries before.

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