Saturday, May 09, 2009

My lastest design

Here are my lastest design on bracelets.

I am an immature designer (I couldn't call my self a designer at least not for now at all) for, this so called, "costume jewellery".
Beginning I used to buy custom made lock, per meter iron to design my accesories, somehow eventually, I started all by myself. Really interesting!!
I learnt the thickness of steanless steel iron needed to twist and create different looks and purposes.

Here are my few humble made design which is gonna be worn by me.

See the different colours and sizes of pearls, stones uses in this bracelet to creates the, "immortality of immature Designer", I just love it. "Wink"

Honestly, I start with this little one from stretch. Bought the meters after meters in a roll of iron (which is much cheaper), then I cut it, twisted it and pressed it. Somehow it ended up with this.
Surprisingly, Peter says, he love this among all!!!!

Poor him..... for he have to be caught in between "women thing" and make a fast decision.
Somehow he did honestly told me; the first thing when I showed him. This is nice and this was the best that I have designed and created all along" and the respond was, "wow..... this was the best I have seen".

Focus on the lock of the bracelet ok and not on that old crumpling hand. hahahaha!!!!

This was made from my recycled neckless pearls before. Tired of it... and somehow it's a refresh whole new look now.


Bob said...

I especially like the 2nd and 3rd designs. very modern and chic. keep it up!

Sarah said...

Ainy MABROOOOK... your jewellery is amazing!

Ainy Törnquist said...

Lilies, Thank you and I do like the 2nd one too.

Ciao Sarah, Grazie.

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