Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Football Golf with the family.

We saw a sign of Football golf couple of weeks ago while we were out walking and have been longing to try the game. Since Peter last hurt his foot while playing football with Gabriel, we have no chance to play it until he gets better someday. For a long 4 weeks of limping, finally it was over and we decided to give it a try.
It was a nice beautiful sunny weekend and since everyone agreed to get involved and kick some ball together, we decided to start getting ready and get going.

Somehow we had a few funny incident where my shoe flew off together with the ball and little Gabriel coincidently took a snap of it. It happened again not long after but this time it was Elrener's turn . It was indeed hilarious.

I found that football golf is a nice game for the family of all ages. It can also be healthy and fun sports as we run, walk and kick.

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